Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Slow Start

With all good things comes way too much waiting, lol. I have had a bit of a late start here with the blog due to some off-line livin' (well being sick anyway).

But I am back to good health and ready to pick up my Exacto knife. So be expecting a build update coming soon.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A First For Me

Welcome to Paper & Patience! This is my first home on the internet, and I hope to make it a nice one.

I encourage any who read the blog to leave suggestions and comments. Both good and bad opinions are welcome, just try to keep them constructive.

I'll be posting some photo's of completed papercrafts along with how and where I got them. So that you may also be able to build them up yourself.

I will also be posting up photo's of my various hikes this upcoming spring/summer. I do love to try and capture a good shot, so I hope I am able to post up some that everyone will enjoy.

Also from time to time I may blog a bit about random musings in todays world, along with some fictional writing.

Here's to Paper & Patience